Meet three boys who dared to be different by creating Aotearoa New Zealand’s first Māori owned gin company. They work from two beautiful towns, Raglan and Whanganui, situated on the west coast. Together they crafted a boutique gin cocktail and gin, best served chilled with a pinch of quality company and a tale or two to tell - after all talking together is how their story started.
TGFC/ How did you get started?
Aaron/ We were sitting around a fire after a surf and figured we could make something a bit better than what we were drinking and got started doing it.
TGFC/ What is the meaning behind your name?
Aaron/ Tahu is a verb that means to ignite/ set alight. In our case it was the fire in our bellies, after a fairly rough start to our journey. A surf, a conversation later and the hard work began; from out of a shed came TAHU gin.
TGFC/ What makes TAHU Gin special?
Aaron/ We are the first Māori owned company in New Zealand.
Originally, we came up with a RTD (Ready to Drink) premixed drink using gin. We say that we reversed engineered our gin because in doing so, through collaboration, we ended up with a London Dry that mixed really well in cocktails and is smooth enough to drink neat.
TGFC/ Have you won awards?
Aaron/ We won the 2022 Whanganui Regional Business Award Most Inspirational and New & Emerging Business Award. We intend entering in other competitions this year. Tahu was recognised at the Te Manu Atatū Māori Business Awards 2023. The won the Manufacturing & Production Award and were a finalist in the Environmental Excellence category.
Proud to be based out of Raglan and Whanganui. We whakapapa to the Whanganui River and our connection to Raglan is through our love of the outdoors - TAHU Gin.
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